Smart Home
Huge advances in home lighting control systems can transform any space at the touch of a button. The whole house and home can be programmed for superb and cosy light control and settings be it from a single room or the whole house – inside and outside. The variety of mood and scene settings offer huge scope to create just the right ambience to the taste of each individual family member.
We are able to advise the most suitable systems upon having dialogue we exchange with you and suggest a working model to meet the family and individual needs.
The control can be from a touch screen panel or hand-held remote, table top control, iPad®†, iPhone®† or Android device††.
Examples of the diversity available include the following potential options:
- Multi-room Control
- Integration & Home Automation
- Enhanced Convenience
- Enhance your View
- Pathway Lighting
- Energy Savings
- Safety & Security
- Vacation and Away Mode
- Remote Control